- Change "mutable" fields to new tables once they are added in sql script
- Add physical location fields to web interface
- Slim code - figure out how to object orient and limit repetition, if this is possible?
- Clean in-line styling, tables to divs
- Link autocomplete value with database value for proper insertion
- Link each of these values & insert into activity_fact table
- Parameterize SQL queries to hinder SQL injection attacks
Database to do:
- change sql script to reflect mutable attributeschanges to SQL script
- add date from source as a column in activity_fact?
- Split series name from source table? – see how organized in GCD
- Finish data dictionary explaining each entity and attribute, and ER diagram to reflect
- Figure out form user vs db user as per Will's second suggestion
- Connect source_of_source table (as a "snowflake")
- Reverse engineer script to build diagram of database tables
- Include location_dim table for city, state, country data in while loop in getautoname.php file
- Constrain issue data by value entered in series name form in source autocomplete files
- Finish autocomplete integration in all forms
- Add page number to source table (if from an issue)
- Style forms
- make basic ER Diagram for San Diego
- Fix nested form issue
- Reconcile form interface fields with database attributes - process files
- Added mutable attribute tables to SQL script, models
As of 7/16/2015