The current sql script for the database is attached here.
Web interface to do:
fix issue (series) situation (for other than letters)
- Make guide for training (David)
- Add helpful hints - as HTML divs pulled in from HTML guide? (David)
- Autocomplete changes (for all autocomplete fields like person):
- selected person, input box disappears, replaced by an non-editable box with selected person's info (and X in the corner which takes user back to blank input box in case they select the wrong person)
- after creating a new person, have that person already selected (as above) when the person clicks out of the pop-up form
- Finish styling all detail pages (submit, Hello + Log Out header, etc)
- Clean in-line styling, tables to divs - page after submit - button to return to main form
- CSS for mobile (tablet, at least)
- Add John's office phys loc for training
cron script for db backup/dumps (nightly (3am)) (append date/time in filename cobra_db_backup_20150909)
- Finish data dictionary explaining each entity and attribute, and ER diagram to reflect
- Add modified triggers for modifications into audit table
- Change to real NULL on db for values that are blank
- Query builder based on non-empty fields?