The current SQL script to correct InnoDB issue on webserve (export foreign keys with the nightly dump) is attached here (10/8/2015).
The initial sql script for the IU webserve MySQL database is attached here.
The test script with dummy data is attached here.
The daily cron log sql scripts are located in the comics webserve "backups" file.
CoBRA Post-New Frontiers Grant Project Report here.
IVMOOC 2016 application data is attached here.
Web interface to do:
- Parameterize SQL queries to hinder SQL injection attacks
- Slim code - figure out how to object orient and limit repetition, if this is possible?
- Finish autocomplete integration with rest of forms
- Link autocomplete value with database value for proper insertion
- Link each of these values & insert into activity_fact table
- Style forms
Database to do:
- Otherwise, this may be covered with log-in/privileges?
Spring 2016 major to dos:
- Data entry for DVDs and Michigan images (ongoing)
- Data analysis - quantitative & qualitative (narrative abt interesting letters)
- Apply for grants:
- DH Implementation - due Feb 17, 2016
- Community/Public... - due June 2016
- Humanities Collections & Reference Resources - due July 2016
Possible spring tasks - Grace (meeting 12/11)
- Spot check the data
- Data clean up?
- Create a browse interface & show detailed record - something to show the people the data
Future to do:
- Connect location_dim to Getty Thesaurus for Geographic Names (TGN)
- Add triggers for modifications into audit table
- Change to real NULL on db for values that are blank
- Query builder based on non-empty fields in web form?
Web interface to do:
fix issue (series) situation (for other than letters)
- Autocomplete changes (for all autocomplete fields like person):
- selected person, input box disappears, replaced by an non-editable box with selected person's info (and X in the corner which takes user back to blank input box in case they select the wrong person)
- after creating a new person, have that person already selected (as above) when the person clicks out of the pop-up form
- fix user guide after GCD & autocomplete changes - send out to everyone
- Add helpful hints - as HTML divs pulled in from HTML guide? (David)
- Finish styling all detail pages (submit, Hello + Log Out header, etc)
- Clean in-line styling, tables to divs
- CSS for mobile (tablet, at least)
- Connect source_of_source table (as a "snowflake")
- Reverse engineer script to build diagram of database tables
- Include location_dim table for city, state, country data in while loop in getautoname.php file
- Constrain issue data by value entered in series name form in source autocomplete files
- Finish autocomplete integration in all forms
- Add page number to source table (if from an issue)
- Style forms
- make basic ER Diagram for San Diego
- Fix nested form issue
- Reconcile form interface fields with database attributes - process files
- Added mutable attribute tables to SQL script, models
- Reconcile "mutable" fields to new tables
- Add physical location fields to web interface
- Link autocomplete value (person, location, source, physical location) with database value, insert into activity_fact as one new record, with activity
- Object orient forms & processes
- Parameterize SQL queries to hinder SQL injection attacks
- Change "create new" links to buttons
- Parameterize autocompletes
- Reconcile Issue Autocomplete bug (issue_number search works but not pub_date search...weird)
- Add fields to physical location - end up separating this from location?? YES! Became new table connected to both location_dim and activity_fact
- Collection name
- Collection ID number
- repository (ex. Bodlein Library)
- institution (ex. U of Oxford)
(we decide how to insert private collections)
- Add note field to letter & review (look at Richard's "notes" in spreadsheet)
- Upon main form submission, return to index.php
- Delete sex & gender mutable tables, replace with m_f and gender_note attributes in person_dim table
- Add password protection - connect to DB in config file (as parameters)
- Add created insert statements from members table (into one audit table)
- Link everything to one config file
- Add php secure permission to currently html forms
- Add John's office phys loc for training
- cron script for db backup/dumps (nightly (3am))
- hire people - work with them to input data - add them as DB users
- Make guide for training (David)
- Usability tests with form & input - make sure everything is inserting into the db correctly and form is intuitive (done during/after trainings with data entry people)
- Input spreadsheet data (Jordan - using data entry form)
- Connect Grand Comics Database (GCD) as authoritative source information
- kept source_dim table for future fanzines and things that aren't in GCD, likewise kept fact_source link in activity_fact table
- created column in activity_fact table for fact_gcd_link which pulls the specified issue number from gcd_issue, bypassing the source_dim table (see ERD and data dictionary)
- put UIUC assignment spreadsheets on wiki
- Add GCD tables to data dictionary
- insert GCD issue ids into activity_fact table in new column (gcd_link column)
- CRON job that send out how many letters inputted by who (total & weekly) that emails once per week
Done (Usability):
- Put Source/Physical Location sections first on forms
Make letter page title autocomplete so data entry students don't have to type in every time
Make login button on keyboard "enter"
- Make postal code appear in autocomplete for locations (suggestion from Scott)
As of 61/32/20152016