The daily cron log sql scripts are located in the comics webserve "backups" file.
CoBRA Post-New Frontiers Grant Project Report here.
IVMOOC16 IVMOOC 2016 application data is attached here.
Spring 2016 major to dos:
- Data entry for DVDs and Michigan images (ongoing)
- Data analysis - quantitative & qualitative (narrative abt interesting letters)
- Apply for grants:
- DH Implementation - due Feb 17, 2016
- Community/Public... - due June 2016
- Humanities Collections & Reference Resources - due July 2016
Possible spring tasks - Grace (meeting 12/11)
- Spot check the data
- Data clean up?
- Create a browse interface & show detailed record - something to show the people the data
Future to do:
- Connect location_dim to Getty Thesaurus for Geographic Names (TGN)
- Add triggers for modifications into audit table
- Change to real NULL on db for values that are blank
- Query builder based on non-empty fields in web form?
Web interface to do:
fix issue (series) situation (for other than letters)
- Autocomplete changes (for all autocomplete fields like person):
- selected person, input box disappears, replaced by an non-editable box with selected person's info (and X in the corner which takes user back to blank input box in case they select the wrong person)
- after creating a new person, have that person already selected (as above) when the person clicks out of the pop-up form
- fix user guide after GCD & autocomplete changes - send out to everyone
- Add helpful hints - as HTML divs pulled in from HTML guide? (David)
- Finish styling all detail pages (submit, Hello + Log Out header, etc)
- Clean in-line styling, tables to divs
- CSS for mobile (tablet, at least)
Database to do:
- CRON job that send out how many letters inputted by who (total & weekly) that emails once per week
- Add triggers for modifications into audit table
- Change to real NULL on db for values that are blank
- Query builder based on non-empty fields?
Fall 2015 major to dos:
- Connect location_dim to Getty Thesaurus for Geographic Names (TGN)
- Data entry for DVDs and Michigan images (ongoing)
Spring 2016 major to dos:
- Data analysis - quantitative & qualitative (narrative abt interesting letters)Apply for grants:Collab Research - due Dec 9th 2015 --> arrange meeting with collaborators
- DH Implementation - due Feb 17, 2016
- Community/Public... - due June 2016 Humanities Collections & Reference Resources - due July 2016
- Connect source_of_source table (as a "snowflake")
- Reverse engineer script to build diagram of database tables
- Include location_dim table for city, state, country data in while loop in getautoname.php file
- Constrain issue data by value entered in series name form in source autocomplete files
- Finish autocomplete integration in all forms
- Add page number to source table (if from an issue)
- Style forms
- make basic ER Diagram for San Diego
- Fix nested form issue
- Reconcile form interface fields with database attributes - process files
- Added mutable attribute tables to SQL script, models
- Reconcile "mutable" fields to new tables
- Add physical location fields to web interface
- Link autocomplete value (person, location, source, physical location) with database value, insert into activity_fact as one new record, with activity
- Object orient forms & processes
- Parameterize SQL queries to hinder SQL injection attacks
- Change "create new" links to buttons
- Parameterize autocompletes
- Reconcile Issue Autocomplete bug (issue_number search works but not pub_date search...weird)
- Add fields to physical location - end up separating this from location?? YES! Became new table connected to both location_dim and activity_fact
- Collection name
- Collection ID number
- repository (ex. Bodlein Library)
- institution (ex. U of Oxford)
(we decide how to insert private collections)
- Add note field to letter & review (look at Richard's "notes" in spreadsheet)
- Upon main form submission, return to index.php
- Delete sex & gender mutable tables, replace with m_f and gender_note attributes in person_dim table
- Add password protection - connect to DB in config file (as parameters)
- Add created insert statements from members table (into one audit table)
- Link everything to one config file
- Add php secure permission to currently html forms
- Add John's office phys loc for training
- cron script for db backup/dumps (nightly (3am))
- hire people - work with them to input data - add them as DB users
- Make guide for training (David)
- Usability tests with form & input - make sure everything is inserting into the db correctly and form is intuitive (done during/after trainings with data entry people)
- Input spreadsheet data (Jordan - using data entry form)
- Connect Grand Comics Database (GCD) as authoritative source information
- kept source_dim table for future fanzines and things that aren't in GCD, likewise kept fact_source link in activity_fact table
- created column in activity_fact table for fact_gcd_link which pulls the specified issue number from gcd_issue, bypassing the source_dim table (see ERD and data dictionary)
- put UIUC assignment spreadsheets on wiki
- Add GCD tables to data dictionary
- insert GCD issue ids into activity_fact table in new column (gcd_link column)
- CRON job that send out how many letters inputted by who (total & weekly) that emails once per week
Done (Usability):
- Put Source/Physical Location sections first on forms
Make letter page title autocomplete so data entry students don't have to type in every time
Make login button on keyboard "enter"
- Make postal code appear in autocomplete for locations (suggestion from Scott)
As of 111/32/20152016