Data Dictionary

Data Dictionary

The data dictionary describes each possible field the database can hold (Attributes) within each table (Table Name). 

The naming conventions follow the type of structure that we are using for this database (star/snowflake schema), so ignore "_dim" in the names, and the "required," "PK or FK" and "FK Referenced Table" columns!

The person, location, source, and physical source tables will occur for every record in the database. Then, the rest of the tables (until activity_fact) are the possible activities a person can be involved with. The activity_fact table connects everything!

Please comment on other attributes that could be included or taken out, or any description edits!


Data dictionary in Excel format 

Data dictionary in PDF format

Visual model of database (with attributes)

Basic Entity-Relationship Diagram of database (only table names and fact table attributes)

        Notes on ER Diagram:

  • Across the top – information that will likely come from every source (we will always have person and source from every activity)
  • The rest of the tables are the possible activities in which a person (fan) can partake
  • The activity_fact table connects the person, the person's location while doing the activity, our source, and the activity itself