New Frontiers Grant 2013

New Frontiers Grant 2013


Work Plan

Weeks 1-16 (January - April, 2013)

  • Encode sample documents and develop encoding guidelines.
  • Encode the following subsets: subset 1A, charta (leaf) 1v (4 sonnets); subset 1B, charta (leaf) 22r (3 sonnets); subset 2: charta (leaf) 14v (one sestina, one sonnet), subset 3, chartae (leaves) 69v–70r (one canzone, one sonnet).
  • Create illustrated glossary.
  • Create organizational scheme and diagrams for the “Visual Map" of the Rvf.

Weeks 17-32 (May - August, 2013)

  • Encode the following subsets: subset 4A, charta (leaf) 26r (one madrigal and 3 sonnets); subset 4B: charta (leaf) 45r (four sonnets); subset 5, chartae (leaves) 15r and 15v (2 sonnets, 1 canzone (50 vv.) and 1 partial canzone (38 vv.).
  • Develop prototype web site.

Weeks 33-48 (September - December, 2013)

  • Test and refine of web site.
  • Develop "layer tool" to isolate, hide, reveal various textual and visual layers of the documents.
  • Develop "graphological morphing" tool to illustrate transition between Petrarchan and conventional graphological forms.
  • Integration of tools and public release of prototype.