Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes

Discussions and important action items from the Petrarchive bi-weekly meeting will be documented here.

Agenda for future meetings will also be communicated through these notes.

Next Meeting

John has question about c. 16r and Rvf 71, and c. 4r and Rvf 23.

Isabella: we have not encoded c.16r yet: at the moment we have encoded only the last 12 verses of Rvf71 (on c.16v). The first part of Rvf71 will be on c.61r (yet to be encoded). As for Rvf23, it starts on c.4r and finishes on c.5r (mistake fixed below).

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Before the new release:

  • Disable "Timeline" and "Notes".
  • People: add a small paragraph for each and link to personal webpages etc. 
  • Prototypes: we might want to use a different term but still keep them aside (or inside) the Introduction. 
  • Encoding issues to fix (from 16 September's meeting notes):
    Some poems are missing poem and/or line numbers. Here is a list:
    • c.002r, c002v: missing poem and line numbers from Rvf11 and Rvf 14 Ballata grande
    • c.004r-005r: missing line numbers canzone Rvf 23 (john: incomplete?)
    • c005v: missing line numbers Rvf 28 canzone
    • cc.015r-v: missing line numbers canzone Rvf 70
    • cc.016v-18v: missing line numbers canzoni Rvf 71, 72, 73
    • cc.022v-23r: missing line numbers Rvf 106 canzone
    • c.024v: missing line numbers canzone Rvf 119
    • c.026r: missing line numbers madrigal Rvf 121 (and Donna, ballata)
    • c.069v-r: missing line numbers Rvf 356 canzone 
    Catchwords need to be at the bottom center of the chartae:
    • Catchword: Et solo = end of 16v
    • Cathchword: Tal che = end of 24v 


  • Team discussed the possibility of adding a glossary for punctuation or abbreviations (illustrated glossar) and the possibility of having different sections in the glossary. We want to try, though, not to "categorize" the glossary: having one glossary alphabetized seems to be the best option. 
  • Add a bibliography. 


John: work on the visual index by fascicle and encoding problems to fix (see above). Prepare materials for new release (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15q-yIYhdxZyaWDYrWFCphcBdbK73TITgEsMULOkmuCA/edit?usp=sharing). Disable "Timeline".

Wayne: prepare the project report and documentation for the new release. 

Isabella: work with John on genre numbering, prepare materials for new release (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15q-yIYhdxZyaWDYrWFCphcBdbK73TITgEsMULOkmuCA/edit?usp=sharing). Look at the glossary and think of possible new entries. Encode the glossary. 

Grace: finish encoding of cc.006r-v and encode c.007r.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Some poems are missing poem and/or line numbers. Here is a list:
  • c.002r, c002v: missing poem and line numbers from Rvf11 and Rvf 14 Ballata grande
  • c.004r-v: missing line numbers canzone Rvf 23
  • c005v: missing line numbers Rvf 28 canzone
  • cc.015r-v: missing line numbers canzone Rvf 70
  • cc.016v-18v: missing line numbers canzoni Rvf 71, 72, 73
  • cc.022v-23r: missing line numbers Rvf 106 canzone
  • c.024v: missing line numbers canzone Rvf 119
  • c.026r: missing line numbers madrigal Rvf 121 (and Donna, ballata)
  • c.069v-r: missing line numbers Rvf 356 canzone 
Catchwords need to be at the bottom center of the chartae:
  • Catchword: Et solo = end of 16v
  • Cathchword: Tal che = end of 24v 

See checklist of things to be completed before new release (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15q-yIYhdxZyaWDYrWFCphcBdbK73TITgEsMULOkmuCA/edit?usp=sharing) and last week's Visual Index issues (still to complete) = see notes from Wednesday, 2 September 2015.

Disable "Timeline" for new release. 



John: work on the visual index by fascicle and encoding problems to fix (see above). Prepare materials for new release (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15q-yIYhdxZyaWDYrWFCphcBdbK73TITgEsMULOkmuCA/edit?usp=sharing). Disable "Timeline".

Wayne: prepare the project report and documentation for the new release. 

Isabella: finish double-checking all the chartae, prepare materials for new release (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15q-yIYhdxZyaWDYrWFCphcBdbK73TITgEsMULOkmuCA/edit?usp=sharing).

Grace: encode of cc.006r-v


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

In this introductory meeting problems related to the visual index were discussed (see Summer 2015 notes below). Possible solutions to face the issues of fascicles 6-7 and 10-11: Doodle graphics. To differentiate original fascicle vs. added fascicles: different colors or use of a simple conventional sign (asterisk or dagger).

Checklist of things to be completed before new website release: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15q-yIYhdxZyaWDYrWFCphcBdbK73TITgEsMULOkmuCA/edit?usp=sharing 


John: work on the visual index by fascicle as discussed during the meeting. 

Wayne: prepare the project report and documentation for the new release. 

Isabella: finish double-checking all the chartae, work on project documentation (list of papers and conferences).

Summer 2015

  1. Encoding of chartae 002r, 002v, 004r, 004v, 005r. Completed and checked. 
  2. Starting the process of double-checking and fixing all the chartae encoded so far.
  3. Adding templates/schemas for the chartae prototypes. Encoders will use them as a basis for their encoding: Charta Templates.
  4. Problem of Visual Index with Fascicles IX, X and XI: 

                 Fascicle IX = cc. 61-62 | 71-72 (binion) = a container for Fascicle X and XI

                 Fascicle X = cc. 63–66 (binion)

                 Fascicle XI = cc. 67-70

           Possible solution:


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Notes from the meeting:

  1. New chartae encoded: c.024r and c.024v (Isabella). New chartae to encode to complete the fascicle: c.021r (Grace) and c.023v (Isabella). 
  2. Issues with old chartae: on c.016v the catchword "Et solo" needs to appear centered and at the bottom of the charta. It also has four dots surrounding it that need to be encoded (see snapshot below). On cc.018r-v, Rvf76 lines 13-14: in the diplomatic they have to appear on c.018v (as in the manuscript), but on the edited they have to appear at the end of c.018r.

  3. Work for the new release: the Index is complete and integrated with the charta numbers. It only needs a last double-check. 
  4. The "Introduction" will be a a general Introduction to the project, including its background and history. The prototypes can stay on the new website but they will change name: "models". 
  5. The "About the text": for now it will highlight the VL3195. Later we might need to add more witnesses. 
  6. "Papers and presentations: a wiki page was created to collect all the presentations, articles and papers on the project: https://digitalculturelab.atlassian.net/wiki/display/petrarchive/Papers+and+presentations 
  7. Timeline: we decided to distinguish between firm datability and conjectures. Isabella and John will create a sample Timeline for the years 1358, 1362 and 1373. 
  8. To add: a page for "how to" (instructions for using the multiple access).
  9. Visual index: "A visual index to the Rvf" will be below the index "Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta". It will bring to the Visual Index present on the current webpage (petrarchive.org) and it will give the access to two different types of indexes (per charta and per fascicle). 

Next meeting: Tuesday, 5 May 2015


John: working with Isabella on the Timeline and on putting up the Website for the Binghamton conference (May 2nd). Work on c016v and c018r-v (see above).

Wayne: working with John and Isabella on the materials needed for the new release. 

Isabella: check the encoding of all the chartae, handling encoding issues with the group of encoders and working with John on the timeline (in particular working on years 1358, 1362 and 1373). Encode cc.024r-v.

Grace: encode c.021r (and c.023v, if time allows).

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Notes from the meeting:
  1. New chartae encoded for this meeting: c.016v (Grace), c.020r (Isabella), c.020v (Isabella), c.021v (Sara). Issues to fix: on c.016v the catchword "Et solo" needs to appear centered and at the bottom of the charta. It also has four dots surrounding it that need to be encoded (see snapshot below). On cc.018r-v, Rvf76 lines 13-14: in the diplomatic they have to appear on c.018v (as in the manuscript), but on the edited they have to appear at the end of c.018r.
  2. Index (file name text index.php): Grace finished it by adding all the poems numbers, first lines and genres. Things to add (Grace): add charta number by creating a new <th> element and link to the poems already encoded. Isabella will check all the xml files of the chartae to make sure that all of them include poems IDs (see as an example c.001v). 
  3. John created the new website together with the navigation list which includes: Introduction, About the text, Editorial conventions, Rerum Vulgarism Fragmenta (index), Notes, Appendix: Glossary, Appendix: Timeline and Map, Colophon (People, Technical architecture, Papers and presentations, Press, Acknowledgments). The list can be edited at any time. 
  4. Introduction: needs to be re-written as a more general intro to the site. Visual index might be mentioned in the intro and it needs to moved up into the navigation. Find a way to present in a new way the subsets and Petrarch's principles in the Introduction or somewhere else in the new website.
  5. About the text and Editorial conventions: material needed (Wayne).
  6. Glossary: start collecting data for the Glossary using the Wiki page: Glossary
  7. Press: list all the articles on Petrarchive. Are there any other than the IU press release (http://inside.iub.edu/spotlights-profiles/featured/2013-06-27-iniub-featured-H.WayneStorey.shtml)?
  8. Papers and Presentations: collect and write the titles of all possible papers and presentations related to the project. 
  9. People: add short bio or just Departmental information?
  10. Need for some announcement and list how many new chartae we have encoded and how many poems.
  11. Need to document on the Wiki the punctuation (Isabella) which then could become part of the Glossary (a glossary of punctuation symbols?).


Next meeting: Tuesday, 21 April 2015


John: working on c016v and c018r-v (see above) and on the realization of the new website. Create a template document for the Timeline. 

Wayne: working on preparing the files for the new chartae to encode (chartae left to encode in the fascicle: cc.23v, 24r-v. Eventually we could consider encoding also cc.25r-v from the following fascicle - to complete the canzone Rvf119 - and cc.015r-v and c.016r from the previous fascicle). Working with John and Isabella on the materials needed for the navigation list (Introduction, Editorial conventions, Glossary etc.)

Isabella: check the encoding of all the chartae and add all the poems IDs,update the Wiki with punctuation examples, handling encoding issues with the group of encoders and working on the timeline (in particular working on years 1358, 1362 and 1373). 

Grace: adding charta numbers and links in the Index (see above). 

Tuesday, 24 March 2015 

Notes from meeting:
  1. Discussion on categories of index (John will send the link to it). 
  2. Proposition that the notes they will both pop up in place in the poems and as a single file that you can read continuously. 
  3. Wayne and Isabella will start thinking about what to write about the texts.
  4. Index and numbering: major issue esp. in the last 31 poems. The only way you can deal with it is having a base text. It has to be the physical order. Plus include "Donna" in the index as 121a ("Or vedi" as 121b).
  5. Add charta number in the index or the title in the visual index? Are there standard abbreviations for charta and chartae (analogous to p. and pp. for page(s))? I think the standard abbreviations are c. and cc.

Next meeting: Tuesday, 7 April 2015


John: working on the realization of the new website.

Wayne: working on preparing the files for the new chartae to encode.

Isabella: encoding c.020r and c020v, handling encoding issues with the group of encoders and working on the timeline (in particular working on years 1358, 1362 and 1369). 

Grace: finish up the Index and encoding c.016v

Sara: encoding c.021v

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Notes from the meeting:

  1. John worked on the new website homepage creating a new Visual Index which includes the subdivision in fascicles.
  2. Discussed different options for an Introduction to include the Homepage of the new website release: 
    1. bare title page - possibility of adding to the "Petrarchive" also the actual "title" of the work: "Rerum Vulgarism Fragmenta".
    2. introduction - add an introduction? Of the work or of the website? After a brief discussion it seemed that an introduction to the website would be more useful for the users.
  3. John is also working on creating the numeral Index (a Word doc. version of both the numeral and alphabetical Index are in the Project Documents section of this Wiki) 
  4. Fixed the issue of <supplied>.
  5. Timeline: Swinburne's Timeline example has three different layers of information: Life, literary context and historical context. The gourd-work will think about and take a decision by the next meetings on which will be the layers on the Petrarchive's Timeline (or if any layer would be needed at all).


Next meeting: Tuesday, 24 February 2015


John: working on the realization of the new website.

Wayne: working on preparing the files for the new chartae to encode and check on Petrarch's correspondence for the years: 1358, 1362 and 1369.

Isabella: encoding c.018r (same chart will be encoded by Whitney as a first practice), handling encoding issues with the group of encoders and working on the timeline (in particular working on years 1358, 1362 and 1369). 

Grace: encoding c.017v

Sara: encoding c.018v

Whitney: working on c.018r as a practice.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Notes from the meeting:

  1. Checked issues of visualization (see THINGS TO DO of Tuesday, 13 January 2015) fixed by John. 
  2. Discussed about future encoding: Grace will encode chartae with canzoni, starting with c.017r and Sara will encode four-sonnets chartae.


Next meeting: Tuesday, 10 February 2015


John: working on the realization of the new website.

Wayne: working on preparing the files for the new chartae to encode.

Isabella: handling encoding issues with the group of encoders and working on the timeline

Grace: encoding c.017r

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Notes from the meeting:

  1. Proceed with encoding by completing the third fascicle (quaternian: cc.017r-024v). Grace will start by encoding chartae containing canzoni, while Sara and Whitney will encode four sonnets chartae.
  2. Building the new website: a few criteria were decided for the new version of the website to be released soon. a) the website will be as clean and simple as possible. b) there is a need to add new features that will potentially be included in a tool at the top of the website that could come down and disappear as needed. c) url of prototypes should remain the same and prototypes should not disappear. d) the new version should also have a new introduction.
  3. Timeline: Isabella and John will meet to start the work on organizing the data and create a template using Simily staring with a small corpus. 
  4. Goal of finding a way of presenting the fascicles through the visual index. Two options are to make each line a fascicle or to use different colors. An issue could rise with fascicles 10 and 11 (11 is inserted in 10).

Additional notes:

Encoding by fascicles instead of encoding by genre will help better reflect the actual construction of the partial holograph. A new document with the subdivision in eleven fascicles has be added to the Wiki (see "VL3195_fascicolazione.docx" in Project Documents).


Next meeting: Tuesday, 27 January 2015


John: fix the issue of the visualization of the edited versions of c.026r ("fiamma", poem "Donna mi vene"), c.001v (Rvf8, line 1), cc.22r (Rvf103, line 2) and c.39r (Rvf196, lines 4 and 11; Rvf197, line 7); working on the realization of the new website.

Wayne: working on preparing the files for the new chartae to encode.

Isabella: handle encoding issues with the group of encoders.

John and Isabella: set up a meeting to start the work on the timeline.




Wednesday, 28 September, 2013

The members returned to the issue of erasures in this meeting. Currently anything written over an erasure is faded gray on the website, and an addition that has been canceled is crossed out. To indicate an abbreviation and mouseover, a dotted underline is used. However, this may be too similar to the medieval tradition of dotting under a word that should be ignored when reading a passage. Paleographers using the website might be confused by this. It might be best to use a sidebar, as discussed previously, so users can choose to see expanded abbreviations or the erasures. It should be clear which words were erased or expanded, however, using a highlight or other function.

The group also discussed the coming edition of the text and how it will relate to the encoded manuscript. Should there be a separate TEI document for the edition, or should the original files be annotated even more so that different page views can pull different elements from the encoding? Having one TEI document would make it very simple to update notes or correct errors. However, the encoding could become convoluted and difficult to edit. Members agreed that the commentary section should be a third document which could be linked to the others. This way edits are easy to perform.

Wednesday, 11 September, 2013

Members began by discussing the creation of a webfont for special characters like the "virgule suspensiva." Also, the "left curly bracket upper hook" symbol is nothing more than a paragraph marker, and it should be encoded as a pilcrow. The look of the character can be changed later if necessary. This is preferable to using the unicode equivalent of the symbol, which is actually a mathematical symbol.

There need to be diverse ways to get into the poem via an index of some kind. It might use the poem number, first line, position in the manuscript, or other factors. One issue that may complicate this is the lack of standardization of the poem numbers. Different editors have put them in different orders throughout the years. Finally, the members considered using different font colors for poems transcribed by Petrarch and Malpagini, or using another way of differentiating the hands that would be less distracting than an outright font change.

Wednesday, 4 September, 2013

Allie will keep a list of encoding issues and upload it to the wiki for future encoders to use. One example of such an issue is page breaks, as in c045r. Members in general will keep an eye out for appropriate fonts to use for the website. Meanwhile, Isabella and Wayne will meet with Modigliani to discuss some of the punctuation in the diplomatic edition of the Rvf.

The members returned to c026r, on which poem 121 is written entirely over an erasure. How is this to be encoded? The poem was changed in September or October of 1369 from "Donna mi vene" to the current poem. Perhaps there will be an option to view a palimpsest of the charta. On erasures more generally, the group discussed viewing options for the website. There might be a set of boxes or buttons on a side panel which would give users the option to "view erasures," "expand abbreviations," "view notes," and other things. However, the members don't want to muddy the interface. To make it more clear, the manuscript page might be framed somehow to separate it from the rest of the webpage.

Wednesday, 24 July, 2013

The members first focused on c021r, which had issues with special characters and punctuation. For example, some copyists added punctuation to show the internal rhyme scheme, as in Mss M502, when there should really be no punctuation. They discussed adding notes about this situation to the website.

Also, c015r and v switch between a double and triple hemistich for the third line of every strophe to accommodate seven and eleven-syllable line differences, making the final verse stand alone. Members discussed regularizing the format so users could switch between views on the website.

Finally, the members discussed how to encode a poem when the sestina should be read down the first column and then back down the second, instead of straight across like normal poems. No definitive conclusion was reached.

Wednesday, 10 July, 2013

John showed members a new page on the wiki that contains prototypes of the poem subsets as specified on the grant proposal. Several chartae have not yet been encoded, including c014v.

John also showed members c039r as displayed on the web, and he decided to have the parts written over erasures/cancellations displayed in gray. Allie will add an example of this to the wiki and call it "writing over a cancellation" or another such name. This is the same situation as is found on c026r.

Tuesday, 2 July, 2013

As per Wayne's instructions, Isabella finished encoding c039r. Like c026r, the first sonnet was written over an erasure. John will continue to figure out a way to encode such a situation. Also in c039r, in line 10 of the last poem there is an erasure over which there is text, but there is also a space before the final word of the line. Members agreed that the space should be kept in the encoding, since it shows separate moments in the text. Wayne will decide a name for that particular type of space. Members also agreed that the space should not be measured in terms of inches or characters, since that obscures the purpose of the space. It might be possible to encode the various steps of the revision process, thinking of the document in terms of layers. The difference between the fair copy and the surviving copy should be made distinct.

The next chartae to be encoded are c015r-c015v. Allie will do the recto, and Isabella will do the verso. The members' goals for July are to have all the encoding done, all the files on the wiki, and a simplified version of the website not linked only via the wiki.

Wednesday, 5 June, 2013

Due to technical difficulties, Wayne was unable to attend the meeting via Skype. John and Isabella reviewed her most recent encoding, and she agreed to email Wayne to be given another charta to encode. Then John and Allie reviewed the encoding of c069v-c070r. John showed her a new way to make sure the files validated, and she agreed to continue encoding the document.

Wednesday, 22 May, 2013

Members began by discussing the visual layout of the chartae on the web. John will play around with spacing on the webpage to show the lack of horizontal space between the poems. Apparently, the large-font paragraph marker is responsible for much of the current dysfunction. They also talked about hiring a designer to create document maps.

 Regarding c026r, the line lengths are very long and therefore the poems do not display properly online. Furthermore, the whole of poem 121 is written over an erasure. John suggested using substitution, deletion, or other tags for the poem. In other collections of Petrarch's poetry, the erased poem travels between the 120s and 240s in number. Images of the palimpsest, or of other manuscripts, might be added to the webpage for this charta. John will figure out how to encode the erasures. Also for poem 121, one of the rs should be small caps, but Petrarch made a mistake. The tag <choice orig="___"> might be used to show this mistake, which would be standardized as small caps. At the end of poem 122 there is a punctuation mark which is not a true punctus elevatus. Eventually the mark will be standardized as such. Interestingly, this charta only has 30 lines because the madrigal has 6 lines. The erased ballata underneath would have had 7. Petrarch is clearly imitating Malpaghini's transcriptional style in this charta.

Finally, Allie noted some minor mistakes in her encoding of c003v, so John will send her the corrected file which she will amend and put on the wiki.

Wednesday, 8 May, 2013

All subsequent meetings will be on Wednesdays at noon in John's office. Isabella will Skype in from Italy.

John and Wayne discussed their proposal for an upcoming conference in Paris. They want to discuss how the visual layout of the Rvf shows indexicality and emphasizes the working nature of the document. They also will talk about how the breakdown of the standard indexing structure shows workmanship and redefines the document.

The members offered suggestions for using specialer characters in the TEI documents such as the punctus elevatus. Some of the characters may be present in the MUFI character recommendation sheets, which  Allie will add to the wiki. John showed Allie and Isabella how to put code in the header which will describe such characters, which can be linked in the body of the document with <g ref="#punctelevhiback" /> or another such tag. They also discussed a p-macron character not present in Unicode that Allie encountered in c069v. These characters will be compiled in the TEI template by John.

Wayne suggested that Allie create an encoded "idealized" form, in 2 columns, of 069v-070r. John could put a button on the webpage which would allow viewers to switch between the different forms, or the members might choose to create a diagram of the chartae with other auxiliary illustrative texts.

John will put TEI prototypes for all chartae on the wiki. Isabella will begin encoding c026r. Allie will add Wayne's word document transcriptions and edited versions of all chartae to the wiki. Wayne will begin getting Vatican permission to use Rvf images. The project will be presented as an edition, not a transcription, of the document so the Vatican is more likely to grant such permission.

Tuesday, 23 April, 2013

Allie will change page titles in the wiki to add more 0s to the chartae names. John showed members that he added the madrigal and canzone as <lg type=""> terms. For the canzoni and other poems he will have to add additional subtype terms. Members also discussed the proper way to encode space in the TEI documents. They settled on the following: <space unit="lines" extent="" ana="# />, with ana standing for analysis. In here members can type #space-stop or other terms. #space-sonnet was posited as a way to encode the 7-line gaps in the text that appear, but Wayne pointed out that a madrigal or ballota could also appear in that space. Unless the space must contain the sonnet, it should be encoded in terms of empty lines. Petrarch's 31-line canvas should be kept in mind at all times. There should also be an abbreviation created for the 1-line space between poems.

Charta 069v presents some interesting problems. Due to space constraints, Petrarch wrote 3 verses of the canzone per line instead of the usual 2. It should have been a metrical sister to poem Rvf 119. Members created the term "triple hemistich" to encode the poem. Allie will encode 069v and 070r during the next 2 weeks. The members are interested to see how far they can push TEI to accommodate the visual poetics in the manuscript.

Tuesday, 16 April, 2013

The meeting was kept short due to John's absence. Members discussed space issues within the manuscript, such as the half-line space that is characteristic of the canzone. Since it is merely the conclusion of a strophe, the members agreed that it should be described in terms of the text rather than just as a space, perhaps as a "half-hemistiche" or "conclusion of strophe." They also discussed recurring abbrevations and decided to add "pmo/primo" to the list of entities. John will also have to add further <lg type=" "> entries for genre terms, including the canzone, strophe, and madrigal.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In light of Wayne's absence, the members focused on problems Allie and Isabella encountered while encoding c03v and c22r and v. John agreed to create a unified entity file that can be linked to the individual XML files for the chartae. New abbreviations can be added to the master file once they are identified. The members discussed how to deal with capitalized abbreviations vs. ones that occur within a line. In order to make them all searchable under one name, they decided to change the entity name and expansion but keep the abbreviations the same. They also talked about how to deal with poems that cross page boundaries. Many of these problems will have to be considered more fully once further examples are found in the manuscript.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wayne began by talking about conceptualizing space, which takes a multitude of forms in the Rvf. For example, it can be intercolumnar space, which is not clear in Malpaghini's hand but very clear in Petrarch's, it can be defined as a unit, such as "7-8 transcriptional lines" or "separative" or "stop-space," etc. Space has both inutility and potential. Members discussed the difficulties of differentiating a stop-space vs. a placeholder or "reclaimed" space via erasures. John will create a controlled vocabulary for the typologies of space and possibly add it to the wiki.

Members also discussed what they and the project should say about space. There were differences between ruled and unruled spaces, but how should rulings be represented in the main document or in the document map? They theorized that a gray color could be used to represent graphite, but that may be distracting for users. Wayne agreed to send a parsed-down version of his paper about space so that members can better discuss spatial issues. Allie will upload the document to the wiki. John will add a schema to the TEI documents containing a controlled vocabulary of space terms.

 John and Isabella then discussed her coding of fol. 22r. For abbreviations without a shortcut code, Isabella can type out the entire code with a comment noting if the abbreviation is common. If so, John can add it to the shortcuts list. Members more generally talked about adding spatial vocabulary schema codes vs. putting typologies of space into the TEI header that the encoder can link to. However, the desire for comprehension must be balanced by the need to answer specific research questions. Members are cautioned against encoding for the sake of encoding. They decided it would be best to encode for spatial anomalies, not what is expected. For example, since a small space between hemispheres is expected, they should only encode where there is none.

Isabella will begin encoding fol. 22v, which contains a new genre of poem. Allie will also encode 3v, which contains a sonnet and a sestina. To aid in this endeavor, John will make sure the TEI headers on the wiki are updated.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

John and Isabella agreed to meet tomorrow, and Tuesdays after the project meetings as needed, to go over the TEI encoding process. John debuted the newly fleshed-out TEI header with tags for the document name, project members, etc. He and Wayne discussed who should be listed as the project's publisher. John explained that eventually all this information will become a boilerplate which can be linked in the XML documents of the individual chartae, so members don't need to edit hundreds of files if changes are made to the general header. He also noted that he had given a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commerical license to the project.

Members discussed the possibilities of having a multilingual, English-Italian website for the project. John explained that the <msdesc> and other tags can have both English and Italian information in them to facilitate this. John will continue to revise the TEI header as Wayne gives him more information about the document. He also discussed how unusual it was for TEI projects to have separate files for every page/charta, but members agreed that this setup fit the goals of the project. They posited how they might create a "master document" that pulls in information from the TEI boilerplate as well as the individual charta files to create one complete TEI file with all aspects of the project in it. It is important to show the compositional unit of the page, as it is not arbitrary in the Rvf. John and Wayne agreed to compile an index of poem numbers and first lines to help users navigate the project. The two also want to create a document "map" of the folios to represent visually where the chartae lie in the document and show the position of the poems on the pages. The document map should be arrangeable by genre, page order, folios, etc. To facilitate this, Wayne will begin identifying gatherings and conjunct leaves. He will also compile a vocabulary of defined spaces in the manuscript, including a term for the space under erasures,

Isabella will start encoding fol. 22r. The members agreed to add fols. 22v and 23r to the project subset. John will begin work on a new charta as well as continuing to craft the <msdesc> tag. Allie will upload image files for all the chartae onto the wiki.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wayne agreed to do a micro-examination of the hands to determine all the interventions in the text. John outlined the pages of the wiki and the functions thereof. He will change the Chartae page to clarify the poems on each leaf, add a link to the online "development" version, and determine a way to pose questions about the charta on the wiki page. Members discussed possibilities for creating a unique font for the project, especially for initials and other special characters. As John explained, Unicode is concerned with the "Platonic ideal" of forms of characters, or "glyphs," and it might be best to use different fonts to change the display, or perhaps the <hi> or <rend> codes. Members then reviewed the common abbreviations that will be added to the TEI header, and John agreed to flesh out the TEI header in general. He will also add TEI boilerplate information about publication.

Isabella will work on the <msdesc> tag to expand an Italian version of the information and translate it into English and also use the <mspart> tag to incorporate anomalies of individual chartae. John will expand the charta pages and upload all the images as attachments. Wayne will change the photos' file names to reflect their position in the manuscript. Isabella will practice encoding fol. 22r because it is very similar to fol. 01v. John posited ways to encode missing poems, perhaps using <space type="sonnet">, etc., and similar methods for empty lines, length of empty spaces in centimeters, and other elements. John will add a page on the wiki with the XML template to facilitate this.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

John explained the TEI header used in the encoded documents and went through some of the basic codes. He, Wayne, and Isabella added several items to the list of symbols and abbreviations that Allie will compile and update throughout the project. Isabella agreed to keep track of the most common abbreviations used in the document so John can create tags for them which can be used for encoding.

Wayne and John discussed how they can use encoding to act as a deep commentary on the genesis and changes made to the document over time, especially by noting changes in the hand, erasures, and additions to the text. If the encoding is consistently detailed, they should be able to auto-generate textual notes from the TEI codes. The encoding might also be used to create infographics related to the text, especially relating to the various hands used in the document. Wayne agreed to create a list of the hands used  throughout the document so John can create a shortcut that can be used during encoding.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Project web page: http://dcl.slis.indiana.edu/petrarchive

Members agreed that Isabella will produce a diplomatic edition of Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta; Wayne will check her work and send it and his own edition of the text to John for encoding; John will encode the text using TEI and review the final product with Wayne; and Allie will maintain the project wiki, update the glossaries and tables of TEI and Unicode elements, and keep a list of members' tasks.

Issues of display were discussed, namely that the first letter of each sonnet would usually be enlarged and either red or blue in color, while the second letter of that first line would normally be a small capital. John and Wayne agreed that some of the symbols, especially Petrarch's 7-shaped ampersand, might warrent the creation of a personalized font so these special characters display properly. Furthermore, some erasure marks might look like punctuation, and some of the erasures might still be visible under the amended text. The issue of how to display palimpsests like this remains unanswered for the moment.

John agreed to create a PetrArchive listserv and create a wiki space for Allie to run.

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