Report March 18

Report March 18

Hi there!

This is my third report and I present my results in a different/new arrangement. I apologize for that but I think I have (finally!) found a comprehensive way to structure my analysis and my results.

As previously said, check both on Firefox and on Chrome the three indexes (text, visual, and visual by fascicle): probably there are some redundant checks but I prefer to proceed methodically.

For the TEXT INDEX I check both the number and the title of the poems. For VISUAL and VISUAL BY FASCICLE I check if each link takes where it should.

And I check as well the links to the pictures of the corresponding chartae.

I put the results in an excel spreadsheet with two worksheets: one for Firefox and one for Chrome.

When I find things that are NOT working as they should, I highlighted in red. Not highlighted entries are just to confirm that things were checked.

This spreadsheet covers 8v to 16v.


Please let me know if this way to present my results helps, and feel free to send suggestions.

