John's Tasks
- Send Allie c003v for corrections
- Find way to encode erasures in poem 121 (c026r)
- Play around with spacing on the web to show the lack of horizontal space between poems
- Upload TEI prototype for all chartae
- Compile special character codes into the TEI template
- Add additional vocabulary for <lg type=""> and subtypes for different types of canzoni and other poems
- Add controlled vocabulary of spacial terminology to TEI schema
- Compile index of poem numbers and first lines
- Begin creating visual document map
- Edit Chartae page to clarify the poems on each leaf; add a link to the online "development" version; add way to pose questions about the charta on the wiki page
- Flesh out TEI header
- Develop tags for common symbols and abbreviations as needed
- Continue encoding the text using TEI
Add publication information to TEI boilerplateExpand the charta pages and upload all the images as attachmentsAdd a page on the wiki with the XML template to facilitate Isabella's practice encodingCreate wiki space for Allie to runCreate PetrArchive listserv